It is time to rest, to meditate deeply, refine our spiritual essence, and store physical energy - in the form of a little added weight - for the cold season. Its time to study (finish an ongoing course, in my case), have new hobbies, be at home with a cup of tea, watch films, have friends around for a cosy evening.
Although in many of our societies today we have to keep moving, doing and improving (specially after the festive times); we must find ways to unify with winter.
- Inner Classic
In the Chinese medicine, the Five Elements and the Yin and Yang are an important underlying structure. The Five elements are the energetic substances or processes of which the world is made. Each Element is defined as a set f associations. For example, colour, organs, season, taste, emotion and others.
Here are some words and phrases which reflect the qualities of water:
calm cautious reflection strength flow stagnant fluidity going with the flow
the deepest part of us our ancestral energy fear and anxiety stuck polluted dirty
The kidney and bladder are the organs associated with the winter and water element.
The kidney holds the message of our ancestral chi, our jing - a deeper essence which determines our vitality, resistance to disease and longevity.The kidney influences whether we retain too much or too little fluid. The bladder is responsible for holding fluid in our body, it reflects in our stamina and endurance.The ears are also in association with the kidneys.
Fear occurs when we get stuck, we can not move on. Like water, our emotions flow. They should flow smoothly, appearing, rising, falling and disappearing. When we are balanced emotionally, we can 'flow' through our lives. There are times though, when a river can not flow smoothly. It can be frozen over. The emotion fear, which is associate with the water element, clearly can block the flow of our energy.
A few symptoms that may arise when the kidneys and bladder are weak or obstructed:
Sore back, back pain and spinal problems. Too strong or lack of willpower. Fearlessness. Poor energy or lethargy. Swollen legs. Ache in the bones. Night sweats. Poor concentration and memory. Hearing problems. Dizziness, tinnitus. Falling hair or prematurely greying hair.
Let's observe and explore the water element this winter. Here are a few ideas:
- In late January, the deep mid-winter, try and connect with that deepest part of you, your essence, and listen to what it tells you. Meditation and yoga are great tools to go deeper into ourselves.
- Try and rest over the winter, we need to conserve energy for spring ( I know it can be tricky at times. Allow yourself to take this 'mi time'). Have you got less stamina these days? Support water by staying more at home and going to bed an hour earlier.
- Take some time out and reflect on the last 12 months, are you where you wanted to be? If not, what could you do different in Spring to make things really start to happen? Give yourself a pat in the back for all the other things you did do, explored and achieved.
- Explore the emotion of fear in yourself and in the others. What are you afraid of? Is this fear appropriate that you can move through or is the energy stuck? Do you know anyone that is stuck with a fear? Reflect on how such 'frozen' behaviour can affect people's lives.
- How is your fluidity? What aspects of your life and lifestyle are dehydrating? How can you change this?
- Consider what fluids you drink and are the foods you eat hydrating?
- Drink more clean water. We need at least 2 litres of water for our body to function well throughout the day.
- Enjoy winter! Get wrapped up and go for a walk in the park or countryside.
Health and love,
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