Tuesday 21 February 2012

Nut and Seed Milk Recipes

Having Nut and Seed Milk is a great way to substitute your cow's milk and add vital nutrients and essential fatty acids to your diet.

The idea with Nut and Seed Milk is to experiment! Have fun!
They are simple and easy to make:

Almond Milk

It is the most popular nut milk. The almond milk looks white as cows milk. It is tasty and creamy!

. Soak 1 cup of almonds overnight (soaked almonds are tastier and easier to digest)

. In the morning, drain the water and add the almonds to a blender with 2 cups of filtered water

. Blend it well

. Use a muslin milk bag (you can buy it on line) to drain it. Add the rest/almond bits to your porridge, smoothies or raw dessert recipes.

. Pour the almond milk into a glass jar and keep it in the fridge for up to 3 days.

You can add more or less water, depending on the desired thickness/creaminess of the milk.
Mix & match with: vanilla essence, cacao powder, maca, dates to sweeten it...use it in your smoothie, porridge, to  , etc.
My favourite recipe is almond milk with a teaspoon of tahini and dates.

I tried Brazil nuts and cashew nuts. I also tried hemp seed and sunflower seed milk which have a stronger taste than the nut milk, but are nice. My last experiment was with oats. Oat milk is so so delicious. Very creamy! I made loads of warm oat chocolate milk with cinnamon and dates this Winter.

Sesame seeds are a great source of calcium.

Chia seeds are a superfood:
. high levels of Omega 3, higher then flax seed
. high antioxidant content
. high calcium content
. it has 19 amino acids, a great source of complete protein
. 6 times more iron than spinach
. 64% more potassium than a banana

I can assure you that once you get in the habit of making your own nutritious Nut and Seed Milk you won't miss the horrible stuff they sell in the supermarkets and call cow's milk.


Health and love,
Carolyne x

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