Naturopathy Nutrition

Naturopathy Nutrition

Naturopathy Nutrition also called Natural Nutrition, is a system of healthcare 
which encourages and promotes the body's natural self-healing to flourish using
an eclectic approach.

Naturopath nutritionists use diet, supplements when needed and natural techniques like massage, herbalism, homoeopathy, colonic irrigation, enemas, hydrotherapy, skin brushing, castor oil packing and many others to assist the body to heal itself.
I believe that healing is a natural process of self-discovery and growth which is constantly happening in life. Our body knows what it needs to be in equilibrium, to be healthy and happy. We do better when in tune with our body. We need to observe and listen to ourselves and do whatever is needed to create a foundation to support and encourage this healing process.
My approach

I work very closely with the philosophy of the cell: we are made of about 70 trillion cells. Each cell is like a mini human being: it has a physical structure, a mind and a spirit. Each and everyone one of these cells needs four vital things to be in balance and each and everyone of these cells wants to live in an environment (mainly alkaline) which creates movement and freedom. The way we think and how and what we eat affects this environment. With appropriate diet intake and the use of natural techniques we can create this environment.

I also use the Chinese Five elements model which helps me to group different emotions, thoughts and symptoms in relation to the seasons in nature, systems and organs of the body. For example: the metal element is associated with autumn. The organs related to this element are the lungs and large intestine. Emotions of grief and symptoms like dry coughs, weeping eyes and eczema may be experienced during this season.

The naturopathy principles:

. First, do no harm. Naturopaths will not use surgery, strong chemical medicines with strong side effects.

Treat the root of a disease/imbalance and not the symptoms. For example, it is very common to see steroid creams been applied topically (symptom) in skin conditions without addressing the internal imbalance (root).

. Treat the person not the disease. Each individual is unique and responds in a different way. People will have different constitutions, blood types, Chinese 5 Elements CFs, Indian Ayurvedic Doshas, etc.

Prevention is preferable to cure. Diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Heart diseases, Osteoporosis, Obesity and many others can be preventable through diet. Diet heals, corrects and restores the body.

Work with nature cycles and use the healing power of nature. Naturopaths use minerals, vitamins, water, herbs and lifestyle changes (for example, eating accordingly to the seasons) as tools to restore ill health.

. A naturopath is an educator/teacher empowering the patient to take responsibility for his/her own health.

Every naturopath uses these principles though with slightly different 

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