I have been away... Left the blogging aside but now I am back. Its been soo long...
I have past my exam for my Naturopathy Nutrition diploma and I am now studying for the Advance diploma. It has been an amazing journey! I am extremely passionate about the course and its philosophy. The philosophy of the cell has become pretty much my philosophy.
I came across this article at the Metro newspaper the other day.
'Hoping to kick the habit? Just nibble a carrot' by Fred Attewill
Don't waste your money on electric cigarettes and patches if you are trying to give up smoking - just grab a carrot stick instead.
People wanting to quit are 3 x more likely to succeed if they eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, a study shows.
The results - which were taken from 1,000 smokers over 14 months - were consistent for people of all ages, genes, races and backgrounds.
Jeffrey Haibach, who led the research said: 'It is also possible that fruit and vegetables give people a feeling of fullness so they feel less of a need to smoke'
Unlike some foods which enhance the taste of tobacco - such as meat, fizzy drinks and alcohol - fruit and vegetables actually makes it taste worse.
The research, carried out at the University at Buffalo in New York state, was published in science journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
Great, ha!?
Our body is our own pharmacy. If our body have all the necessary nutrients it can make its own feeling good factors. The need to reach out for tobacco, alcohol, sugars and other substances to feel better, relaxed, to ease a pain or experience pleasure, will diminish and eventually stop, because we will be experiencing bliss from within, with our own chemicals.
We need a well balanced diet full of organic fruits and vegetables, good oils and plenty, plenty of water - the way to pollution is solution. In case of addictions, vitamin Bs, amino acids and possibly some other supplements, are very important.
Did you know...
. if we were to inject the nicotine of 1 cigarette we would die
. 10 million people smoke in the UK
. 106,000 people die every year from disease related to tobacco
. 1 cigarette contains 4,000 chemicals - 30 of them are cancerous
Love and health,
Carolyne x